By Clark Curtis
Spring break for many college students conjures
up images of warm sandy beaches and the roar of the waves. However that wasn’t
the case this year for 10 students and faculty members from UNC Charlotte’s
College of Computing and Informatics. They had their sights set on three rural
schools in northern Haiti as they embarked on a volunteer effort to share their
computer expertise with teachers and mentors of Haitian girls.

“MAC, in partnership with Hands for Haiti
received a grant from Waveplace Foundation, to provide 25 XO laptop computers
to each of the three schools, along with mentoring and educational software,”
she continued. “The missing element was the computer training, which made this a
perfect fit for us and an incredible opportunity for international outreach.”
Participants are part of the Students & Technology in Academia,
Research & Service Leadership
Corps, a STARS Alliance program that develops leaders to impact the world
through computing. Led by the College of Computing and Informatics, STARS is a
national consortium of 31 colleges and universities dedicated to preparing a
larger, more diverse computing workforce for the 21st century.
Barnes said
students worked with the female mentors to teach them how to use the laptops
and “Scratch,” a programming language developed at MIT. The drag and drop
technology allows the user to create colorful games.
In this
instance, the women how to develop interactive games or presentations that
address real world problems in the area, Barnes said. Such examples include
energy, or lack there of, pollution in the river due to the lack of bathrooms
or finding the nearest doctor.
“If we
could get everyone, be it the mentors or students, telling stories via their
laptops to others in the community about how things are and the need for change,
then it will hopefully make everyone come together and find solutions to the
problems,” Barnes noted. “We specifically targeted young women for the training
as studies show in developing countries girls are much more likely to remain in
the community and give back to others.”
student Nick Blanchard, the experience was life changing. He was approached by
one of the female mentors and asked if he would create a program that could
teach them how to speak English, he said.
the help of a fellow student from the college we were able to create a working
prototype in about 20 minutes,” said Blanchard. “It then took four of us about
30 hours to create a program with 75 words and phrases to teach English. Not
only could you see the word but hear it.
said the gratitude and appreciation the Haitians expressed despite their many
hardships was overwhelming. His plan is to develop his own nonprofit and continue
the effort.
“It was
exhilarating for me to see the personal development of the STARS students and
the mentors,”
Barnes said. “I think this kind of work is extremely important
because it makes you feel like you are making a difference. It’s a way of giving
back whether it is giving back as computing people or (through) other diverse
skill sets. For me, taking your advantage and giving back to the community is
very important.”
Curtis is director of communications for the College of Computing and Informatics.
This sounds like an interesting program. I'm been thinking of a way to teach computer skills in Haiti and this is right up my alley. Is there any way to receive more information about this project?